【同义词辨析】 2018-10-16 插入introduce-interject

introduce: is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or a person into a group or body already in existence: ~d a new topic into the conversation.

insert: implies a putting in a fixed or open place between or among other things: ~ a clause in the contract.

insinuate: implies a slow, careful,sometimes artful introduction: slyly ~d himself into their confidence.    

interpolate: applies to the inserting of something extraneous or spurious: ~d her own comments into the report.  extraneous无关紧要的外来的one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material每人都得苦读很多页无关的资料) spurious逻辑推理似是而非(of a line of reasoning) apparently but not actually valid看似合理实际上不合理,如this spurious reasoning results in nonsense这种站不住脚的推理到头来都是废话)

intercalate: suggesting an intrusive inserting of something into an existing series or sequence: a book in which new material is ~d with the old.   (intrude不受欢迎的闯入to go to a place unwelcome and uninvited,如几个人聚会,另外一个人非要参加,是intruded into their party)

interpose: suggests the inserting of an obstruction or cause of delay: rules that ~ barriers between children and creativity.

interject: implies an abrupt or forced introduction of something that breaks in or interrupts: quickly ~d a question.   interjection感叹词.

introduce引入: 泛指把人或物带入放入已存在群体,insert插入: 放入固定空缺的位置,insinuate潜入混入: 形容动作缓慢小心技巧,多用贬义,interpolate插入: 指插入无关的或似是而非虚假(spurious2个意思),intercalate插入: 好像强行闯入未曾邀请不受欢迎,interpose插入: 指插入阻碍延迟物,interject:表示突然打断性质插入

记忆方法: 1)首字母7I<==插入谈话

        2)插入的意思是放到其他中间mean to put between or among others.